

Welcome to the Middle Years Programme!

The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education. A unique feature of the programme is that it extends the traditional curriculum to include immersion in Approaches to Learning (skills), Global Contexts and Concepts. Students also complete a personal project, which is an independent piece of work that may be an essay, an artistic production, or another form of expression.

Students draw connections between subject areas, and learning is explicitly linked to the world around them, where experiences infuse global points of view wherever possible in order to promote understanding of other cultures, and an awareness of the human condition.

Parent Handbook
MYP Newsletter Issue 2
Welcome to the Middle Years Programme!

Transition to MYP

PYP to MYP Presentation

More about the MYP


! مرحبا بكم في قسم اللغة العربية

IB Arabic A Guide

Arabic A Year Plans

Welcome to MYP Arts

IB Arts Guide            Assessment Criteria

Arts Year Plans

Welcome to Design!

IB Design Guide         Assessment Criteria

Design year Plans

Welcome to English!

IB English Guide         Assessment Criteria

English Year Plans

Welcome to Physical and Health Education!

IB Physical and Health Education Guide       Assessment Criteria

PHE Year Plans

Welcome to Science!

IB Science Guide        Assessment Criteria

Science Year Plans